The Combine forces we see in HL2 & Eps are just a small garrison force made up of their smaller synths, the Combine fleets that wiped out most of humanity during the war would be way more powerful.
Headcrab canisters can easly be avoided and you can just toss a grenade in their hole that headcrabs go out from Hunter choppers probably wasnt even a thing because combine couldnt copy paste them in their spastic war Why didnt countries started a nuclear war they almost did when 2 big countries got into a argument of 'no ! m0r3 th3n U!!!' Considering rebels use metropolice armor and dont die that easly Im pretty confident military grade bullet proof armors and juggernaut armors can do a lot more than that
Striders are absolute trash they literally get killed from a rpg spam 1 man with a hazard suit can take down 5 hunters with a SPAS shotgun that isnt modified and an entire soldier squad with miltiary grade armor cant take down 1?what the ♥♥♥♥? None of their snyths have rpg protection only bullet (nearly every country has missile launchers so)